View Profile JohnnySedona
Twitter: @DanHoelck
All that time dancing for the fuckin Man finally paid off, baby. Play my video games, or your life will be empty and sad.

Dan Hoelck @JohnnySedona

Age 42, Male


San Diego, CA

Joined on 7/11/07

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1,892 / 2,180
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Next project and some other ideas...

Posted by JohnnySedona - July 25th, 2007

Hahaha. So the next game was gonna be rad. TOO fuckin rad for my ass. After a lot of thinking and some desperate scripting, I've decided that a side-scrolling shooter sexy enough for me to be interested was just going to take too fuckin long. So, that project is on hold, for as long as it takes for me to find a way to make a living off of something like that.
The next project is top secret, because it's never been done before (at least not in Flash, and not this well), and because I'm trying to do it first.
It'll be done by the second or third week of August (at least it fuckin better be, I've got to get out to Burning Man).

And while I'm on the subject of making a living- I encourage all my fellow designers to look into MochiBot and MochiAds. I'm thinking about putting together a wiki/bbs/whatever for flash designers, but I'm thinking that it's gonna get flooded with requests for basic AS tutorials and all the other bullshit that makes finding good, advanced flash advice for experienced developers such a pain in the ass.

For now, it's just a thought. If you're into it, let me know.

UPDATE- Due to overwhelmingly positive feedback, it looks like a sequel to We Are Legend is gonna have to happen. We Are Legend: Revenant Angel will probably be three or four times longer than this game, with a lot of other enhancements. But it's not coming out for at least two or three months.


I think that making a wiki for flash designers is a great idea! Then I can finally learn how to use flash more well (don't know actionscript)

There's plenty of info for people that want to learn ActionScript out there. I personally use the ActionScript 2.0 dictionary by Macromedia Press, but that's just because AS 3 is pretty intimidating.
The forum I had in mind is for developers with quite a bit of scripting experience looking to take their work to higher levels and get advice on creating games.

Whoops. I reviewed your flash but forgot to press 10/10 as score so now it says 0/10... :'( Stupid un-changeable review! Anyway I'll make it up by voting 5

That's a fair trade. Good shit!