View Profile JohnnySedona
Twitter: @DanHoelck
All that time dancing for the fuckin Man finally paid off, baby. Play my video games, or your life will be empty and sad.

Dan Hoelck @JohnnySedona

Age 42, Male


San Diego, CA

Joined on 7/11/07

Exp Points:
1,892 / 2,180
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Vote Power:
5.56 votes
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We think you're one of the hot upcoming talents on NG and you definitely deserved that money as much as any of us!

That's awesome of them to do that, but there great people so I'm not TOTALLY surprised :)

Anyway, haven't played drunken masters myself yet, but my roommate was playing it, then playing it a again a few days later so he must have liked it. I did hear the sound effects, they were rather lively and seemed to fit well, I'll be sure to check it out as soon as I'm done coding stabika 3 which will be out this month, woot. Grats on the game man, good stuff.

cuz they did such awesome thing, u have to do an awesome thing too,,, MAKING A SEQUEL!!!:P

i'm serious:D
u'll make lots of us ( too-lazy-to-make-kewl-flash-games-the irselves-but-play-ownage-flash-games) happy!!!

if u have the time PM me if u'll make it:D

Man, I don't know about that... what more could I even add? I'm not a big fan of gratuitous sequels, and I don't think I could add enough to the game to make a sequel worth it- the game's pretty damn huge as it is.

I'll make some more fun games, though.

you should make a sequel to We Are Legend: Arockolypse. that would be cool.

That's a little more likely, but I've got a lot of fun ideas for other games I'm gonna run with for the foreseeable future. Maybe when I can figure out how to make it for Xbox so that people can play with the guitar hero controller...

Good for you then. I loved Drunken Masters, so you really deserve the prize.

Drunken masters was amazing. Brought my cocktail book upstairs and mixed it up for two hours =D
Are you actually called Dan Hoelck or Johnny Sedona? I'm so confused :S

It depends on whether or not I'm drunk and undercover, I guess.

i love you

i saw the cheat menu in we are legend (great game btw) but i cant find the cheats
can i get some help with this

place random phrase here